'Clearly Unacceptable...': India's Strong Anti-Israel Stand At UN Over Gaza Civilian Killings

At the UN, India strongly condemned the loss of civilian lives in Israel's operation against Hamas in Gaza, calling it an “alarming humanitarian crisis." Addressing a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), India's permanent representative to the UN, Ruchira Kamboj, said the large-scale loss of civilian lives is clearly unacceptable. India has so far provided 70 tonnes of humanitarian aid, including 16.5 tonnes of medicine and medical supplies in two tranches, to Gaza, Ruchira Kamboj said.

'Clearly Unacceptable...': India's Strong Anti-Israel Stand At UN Over Gaza Civilian Killings
At the UN, India strongly condemned the loss of civilian lives in Israel's operation against Hamas in Gaza, calling it an “alarming humanitarian crisis." Addressing a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), India's permanent representative to the UN, Ruchira Kamboj, said the large-scale loss of civilian lives is clearly unacceptable. India has so far provided 70 tonnes of humanitarian aid, including 16.5 tonnes of medicine and medical supplies in two tranches, to Gaza, Ruchira Kamboj said.