Kharge Talks About Last Election in India if Modi Wins Again

Kharge Talks About Last Election in India if Modi Wins Again
Mallikarjun Kharge. image

Congress boss Mallikarjun Kharge just gave a heads up, saying if Prime Minister Narendra Modi wins in 2024, it might be the last time we see an election in India. He didn't hold back, calling the BJP and RSS 'bad stuff' and telling people to step up for democracy. Kharge also didn't spare Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, saying he's following the BJP way. According to him, Congress is for the common folks, while Modi and Patnaik hang out with the rich.

Democracy in Trouble: Kharge's Serious Prediction

Kharge recently said in Odisha that democracy is at risk. He warned that if people vote for Modi again, our elections might turn into something like Russian President Vladimir Putin's, where they keep getting in power without much fuss. Kharge worries that elections won't be real anymore, with the ruling guys getting lots and lots of seats, maybe even more than 600.

People Power: Kharge's Call to Action

Kharge is telling everyone it's their job to save democracy. He says that if people want to keep it alive, they can. But if they're okay with losing it, that's their choice.

Us vs. Them: Congress vs. BJP and RSS

Kharge wants everyone to know there's a big difference between Congress and the others. While Rahul Gandhi is trying to bring people together with a 'shop of love,' the BJP and RSS are running a 'shop of hate,' according to him. He's saying to be careful, as he thinks the BJP and RSS are like poison, taking away our rights.

Scary Tactics: Kharge's Problems with the Government

Kharge doesn't like how the current government is scaring people with notices and threats. He says it's making friends leave, parties break up, and alliances fall apart because everyone's scared.

Staying Strong: Kharge's Thoughts on Alliances

Talking about Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar leaving, Kharge says it won't make the alliance weaker. He thinks the group will still be strong, even if a couple of people leave.

Not Happy with Naveen: Kharge's Issues with Patnaik

Kharge is not a fan of Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik. He says Patnaik is acting like the BJP and changing colors. According to Kharge, there's a big difference between Patnaik and his dad, Biju Patnaik. He questions what Patnaik gained from being friends with Modi, saying the 'double engine' sometimes fails.

Rich vs. Poor: Kharge's Criticism of Modi

Kharge isn't holding back on Modi, accusing him of being with the rich while Congress is all about helping the poor. He thinks people are leaving parties and alliances because they're scared of the government's threats.

In a nutshell, Kharge's sounding the alarm, telling everyone to think hard before voting. He wants people to choose wisely to keep the heart of India's politics—democracy—alive and well.