Houthi Rebels Simulate Attack On Israel; Showcase Military Power Amid Conflict With U.S. | Watch

Houthi rebels in Yemen released a video showing military exercise that simulates attack on Israel and Israeli targets as the war in Gaza completes 100 days and the conflict spills over to Red Sea, prompting U.S and its allies to strike the Iran-backed group. The Houthi rebels have vowed not to halt attacks on Israel-linked vessels until Tel Aviv stops its war on Gaza and lifts the siege of Palestinian enclave. Watch the video for more.

Houthi Rebels Simulate Attack On Israel; Showcase Military Power Amid Conflict With U.S. | Watch
Houthi rebels in Yemen released a video showing military exercise that simulates attack on Israel and Israeli targets as the war in Gaza completes 100 days and the conflict spills over to Red Sea, prompting U.S and its allies to strike the Iran-backed group. The Houthi rebels have vowed not to halt attacks on Israel-linked vessels until Tel Aviv stops its war on Gaza and lifts the siege of Palestinian enclave. Watch the video for more.