Minus 31: A Nagpur Crime Story During Lockdown

Minus 31: A Nagpur Crime Story During Lockdown
Minus 31: A Nagpur Crime Story During Lockdown

Minus 31: A Nagpur Crime Story During LockdownMinus 31: A Nagpur Crime Story During Lockdown

Solving a Big Mystery: Checking Out the Nagpur Files Movie

Imagine being a cop during the COVID-19 lockdown in Nagpur, dealing with a tough murder case. That's what this movie is about. It's got a missing girl, a politician who doesn't want the case solved, and a police officer trying to crack it all. Will she manage to solve the mystery? Let's find out.Minus 31: A Nagpur Crime Story During Lockdown

The Dark Storytelling by the Director

The person in charge, Pratik Moitro, made a movie that's all about crime and drama happening during the COVID-19 lockdown. Our main character is a strong cop, Preksha Sharma, played by Rucha Inamdar. She's on a mission to solve the murder of a big businessman, Dayanand Pande (played by Rajesh Sharma). The case is tricky with family issues, politicians causing trouble, and a missing girl named Preksha Meshram (played by Nisha Dhar), who is a crucial part of the mystery. Plus, Preksha has to deal with her not-so-nice father, Anupam Sharma (played by Raghubir Yadav).Minus 31: A Nagpur Crime Story During Lockdown

Not Your Typical Mystery

This story, written by Moitro, Charulata Maitra, and Ankit Bhuptani, isn't like the usual "who did it" kind of tale. It's more complicated, showing the struggles of regular people during the lockdown. There's a clash between younger and older generations, and it's not all about solving the case. Preksha Sharma and Preksha Meshram share similar backgrounds, both without a mom and facing tough times from the men in their lives. There's also a forensics guy, Gautam Agarwal (played by Shivankit Singh Parihar), who has family problems and turns to drinking.Minus 31: A Nagpur Crime Story During Lockdown

Tension Everywhere

From dark slums to a dingy tannery, the movie keeps you on edge. It talks about personal lives, corruption during a crisis, and the reasons behind the murder. And all this is happening with the backdrop of hip-hop culture, which is how some people express their feelings.Minus 31: A Nagpur Crime Story During Lockdown

Great Acting and Cool Moments

Rucha Inamdar does a fantastic job as the tough cop. She's also a good daughter and a young woman with dreams. The movie also stars Shivankit Singh Parihar and Rajesh Sharma, who do well in their roles. But Raghubir Yadav steals the show as the bitter ex-policeman. His scenes with Rucha are impressive, especially when she confronts him.Minus 31: A Nagpur Crime Story During Lockdown

Awesome Music

The songs in the movie, done by Hip Hop Bhaiya, Yash Sahai, and Udayan Dharmadhikari, are really good. They fit well with how the movie looks and feels.

Final Thoughts: A Slow-Burner You Might Like

Minus 31: The Nagpur Files might not be a super exciting watch, and it takes its time, but if you enjoy dark and intense crime stories, it's worth a shot. The story is interesting, the acting is great, and the music adds a cool vibe to the whole thing. Give it a go if you're into crime dramas with a bit of depth.