Rajasthan HC Recruitment 2024: Apply online for 230 System Assistant Vacancies at hcraj.nic.in

Rajasthan High Court opens applications for System Assistant Recruitment 2024, offering 230 vacancies. The online application process began on January 4, 2024, with important dates specified. Candidates must adhere to the eligibility criteria, including age limits and educational qualifications. The application fee varies by category, and certain groups are exempt. The recruitment follows a two-year probation period with a fixed monthly remuneration. It is crucial to accurately fill out the online form to avoid disqualification. Visit http://www.hcraj.nic.in for details.

Rajasthan HC Recruitment 2024: Apply online for 230 System Assistant Vacancies at hcraj.nic.in
Rajasthan High Court opens applications for System Assistant Recruitment 2024, offering 230 vacancies. The online application process began on January 4, 2024, with important dates specified. Candidates must adhere to the eligibility criteria, including age limits and educational qualifications. The application fee varies by category, and certain groups are exempt. The recruitment follows a two-year probation period with a fixed monthly remuneration. It is crucial to accurately fill out the online form to avoid disqualification. Visit http://www.hcraj.nic.in for details.