Trump must pay Carroll $83.3 million as ordered by a jury following years of insults.

In a landmark legal battle, a Manhattan jury has ordered former President Donald J. Trump to pay a staggering $83.3 million to E. Jean Carroll for defaming her in 2019.

Trump must pay Carroll $83.3 million as ordered by a jury following years of insults.
$83.3 million to E. Jean Carroll . image credit:

In some big news, a jury in Manhattan told Donald Trump to pay a massive $83.3 million to E. Jean Carroll. This is because he said bad things about her in 2019. She accused him of doing something really wrong a long time ago, but he kept saying bad stuff about her on social media and even during the trial.Donald Trump


The jury didn't take long to decide. They said Trump was really mean, so they made him pay $65 million for being so nasty. They also gave E. Jean Carroll $18.3 million for all the hard times she went through. Trump's lawyers looked really sad when they heard how much money he had to pay.

Surprisingly, Trump didn't say bad things about Carroll this time. He left the court early but later called the verdict "totally crazy" on his Truth Social thing. He complained that the legal system is messed up and used for politics. He promised to fight back, saying they took away his First Amendment Rights.E. Jean Carroll


Trump's lawyer, Alina Habba, didn't like how the judge handled things. She said they didn't win today but will win eventually.

E. Jean Carroll, who is 80 years old, was super happy about the win. She said it's a win for all women facing tough times. Her main lawyer, Roberta A. Kaplan, said the verdict shows the law applies to everyone, even rich, famous people like former presidents.E. Jean Carroll


Now, Trump is going to appeal, which means the fight is not over. Carroll might not get the money soon. But this whole thing shows that, no matter who you are, the law still matters.