Turkey Foils 'Mossad Plot' To Target Hamas, Palestinians; 34 'Israeli Spies' Detained Amid Gaza War

Turkish authorities rounded up dozens of people allegedly linked to Israeli Mossad in Turkey and claimed that they were plotting to target Palestinians, including Hamas members, on the Turkish soil. The crackdown comes weeks after President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan warned Israel against any move to target Hamas leaders in Turkey. Watch the video for more.

Turkey Foils 'Mossad Plot' To Target Hamas, Palestinians; 34 'Israeli Spies' Detained Amid Gaza War
Turkish authorities rounded up dozens of people allegedly linked to Israeli Mossad in Turkey and claimed that they were plotting to target Palestinians, including Hamas members, on the Turkish soil. The crackdown comes weeks after President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan warned Israel against any move to target Hamas leaders in Turkey. Watch the video for more.