North Korea Admits Testing New Cruise Missile: Pulhwasal-3-31

North Korea Confirms Test of New Strategic Cruise Missile: Pulhwasal-3-31

North Korea Admits Testing New Cruise Missile: Pulhwasal-3-31
North Korea tested new cruise missile. image credit:

Big news! North Korea just said they tried out their fancy new cruise missile named "Pulhwasal-3-31." State media KCNA confirmed it, and South Korea already spilled the beans the day before.

Meet Pulhwasal-3-31: The Work in Progress Missile

So, this missile, "Pulhwasal-3-31," is still in the making. North Korea wants everyone to know that the test they did didn't mess with the safety of the nearby countries. They made it clear that it has "nothing" to do with what's happening around them.

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The Test and Missile Administration's Role

The test was like a checkup for North Korea's weapons, and the Missile Administration was overseeing the whole thing. It's all part of the plan to upgrade their weapon system.

South Korea's Take: Checking Missile Skills

According to South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff, North Korea was probably testing how well their current missiles could do. They shot multiple cruise missiles into the sea off their west coast around 7 am, as per South Korea's military.

What "Strategic" Means and Nuclear Stuff

When they say "strategic," they mean weapons that can go nuclear. North Korea showed off its first cruise missile with possible nuclear powers back in September 2021. It tells us they're still into the serious stuff.

South Korea Reacts and Future Plans

South Korea's not happy about it. Defence Minister Shin Won-sik called these launches a real threat to their country. On a different note, South Korea spilled that they're making lots of medium-altitude reconnaissance drones and plan to use them by 2027. They want better surveillance and maybe sell some drones too.

Cruise Missiles and Why They Matter

Even if North Korea's cruise missiles don't get the same attention as big ballistic missiles, they're not officially banned by the U.N. Nations Security Council. Experts say these mid-range land-attack cruise missiles are just as worrisome as ballistic ones. The tricky part is, you can't always tell what kind of warhead they're carrying, making things more confusing in a fight.

Wrapping It Up: North Korea's Missile Game

So, North Korea's missile adventure keeps everyone on their toes. With all the serious stuff and changes happening, it's crucial to keep an eye on what's going on and try to figure things out diplomatically.